
Conscious Vegan Lower Body Outdoor Fitness Video 2 of 2

Some experience, learn, grow, teach a bit, grow even more, evolve and ascend to higher rowns. And im really sorry for the ones that dont. Maybe in the next life they can do it better if they have the chance, after listening to others too, independently of the age or appearance, because appearance can elude, and we should never let ourselves be taken by the covers of the books. The matrix got us all fooled, and it all depends of how long one continue allowing the system to stick their finger in our ass holes.

Im a vegan Wellness Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Spiritual Psychological Physical Healer and Personal Trainer. I base my procedures and actions to assist in achieving any health goals on Ayurveda, Herbalism, Vegan Nutrition, Biochemistry, Psychology, Neurology and Genetics. In terms of supplementation, all products i recommend are Non GMO, No Nasties, No Fillers, No Binders, No Additives, No Preservatives, just the Nutrients usually in Powder form and non synthetic, so nothing created in labs, but instead are all plant sourced. Check me out subscribe and ring my bell if interested in knowing more of how to have a super healthy happy long life in a all natural way. More info on my Blog. Music Credits goes to the DJs Producers and Record Labels. Health Prosperity and Happiness.


FEEL HEALTH @feel_health78 on all social networks.

PayPal Donations for the better health growth and evolution of us all. You'll be investing in yourself believe me: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78


Conscious Vegan Upper Body Outdoor Fitness Video 2 of 2

As long as im alive and free i can do this even in the Amazon.

Im a vegan Wellness Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Spiritual Psychological Physical Healer and Personal Trainer. I base my procedures and actions to assist in achieving any health goals on Ayurveda, Herbalism, Vegan Nutrition, Biochemistry, Psychology, Neurology and Genetics. In terms of supplementation, all products i recommend are Non GMO, No Nasties, No Fillers, No Binders, No Additives, No Preservatives, just the Nutrients usually in Powder form and non synthetic, so nothing created in labs, but instead are all plant sourced.

Check me out subscribe and ring my bell if interested in knowing more of how to have a super healthy happy long life in a all natural way. More info on my Blog. Its not my intention to make money with this videos. Music Credits goes to the DJs Producers and Record Labels. Health Prosperity and Happiness.


FEEL HEALTH @feel_health78 on all social networks.

PayPal Donations for the better health growth and evolution of us all. You'll be investing in yourself believe me: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78

Conscious Vegan Upper Body Outdoor Fitness Video 1 of 2

As long as im alive and free i can do this even in the Amazon.

Im a vegan Wellness Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Spiritual Psychological Physical Healer and Personal Trainer. I base my procedures and actions to assist in achieving any health goals on Ayurveda, Herbalism, Vegan Nutrition, Biochemistry, Psychology, Neurology and Genetics. In terms of supplementation, all products i recommend are Non GMO, No Nasties, No Fillers, No Binders, No Additives, No Preservatives, just the Nutrients usually in Powder form and non synthetic, so nothing created in labs, but instead are all plant sourced. Check me out subscribe and ring my bell if interested in knowing more of how to have a super healthy happy long life in a all natural way. More info on my Blog.

Music Credits goes to the DJs Producers and Record Labels.

Health Prosperity and Happiness.

#health #holistic #fitness #bodybuilding #exercise #personaltrainer #healthandfitness #vegan #nutrition #knowledge #muscle #musclegain #Genetics #Epigenetics #Biochemistry #Psychology #QuantumPhysics #spirituality #chakras #kundalini #Mitochondria #healer #streetgym #outdoorfitness #weight #weightgain #weightloss #betterversion #betterself #higherself


FEEL HEALTH @feel_health78 on all social networks.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/feelhealth78/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

PayPal Donations for the better health growth and evolution of us all. You'll be investing in yourself believe me: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78


The recycling of the Soul by Wes Penre (Remake by Ankaraman)

EN: Heres some more truth for the truthers and truth seekers. The link for the website is in the description. Its a very known by thousands and very trusted source of info. Actually in one of the episodes of Star Trek someone says to a dying friend "Dont go to the Light". The light is deception and will bring us back here.

PT: Ora aqui está mais verdade para os verdadeiros espalhadores da verdade e para os que procuram a verdade. Na verdade num dos episodios de Star Trek alguém diz para um amigo morimbundo "Não vás para a Luz". A luz é decepção pessoal, e traz nos de volta práqui. O link para o website que tem a fonte está na descrissão do vídeo. Um website de confiança com milhares de subscritores com info muito confiável. Ali podem abrir no browser com a tradução automatica ligada e ler em português visto que está em inglês, até eu criar o artigo e meter no meu blog que tem o tradutor incorporado.

#truth #truther #awake #super #spiritually #conscious #aware #healer #angel #blueangel #slavery #slaving #souls #humans #befree #dontgotothelight #deception #thematrix #revealingmovies #firsteye #thirdeye #openthefirsteye #openthethirdeye #detox #lugolsiodine #lugols #iodine #nutrition #healthynutrition #cleannutrition


3h Romantic, Relaxing Spa Healing Saxophone Music

EN: One of the best compilations i found to activate, unblock, energise and balance the chakras, especially the lower ones like Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras. Tis can be considered Tantric Music, very good for relaxing, studying, create, arts etc, for dancing smoothly and to be in blissful intimacy with a soulmate, twin soul, twin flame, or just someone we love to be in company and share Love, and that one can be ourselves.

If you want to know more about the medicine of music, im here to answer all your questions. Though i will always be a humble learner, as there is always something new to learn.

PT: Uma das melhores compilações que encontrei para ativar, desbloquear, energizar e equilibrar os chakras, especialmente os inferiores, como Sacral, Plexus Solar e Chakra do Coração. Esta musica pode ser considerada música tântrica, muito bom para relaxar, estudar, criar, artes etc, para dançar suavemente e para estar em plena intimidade com uma alma gêmea, chama gêmea, ou apenas com alguém que amadoramos estar em companhia e compartilhar Amor. E esse ser podemos ser nós mesmos.

Se quisers saber mais sobre a medicina da música, estou aqui para responder a todas as tuas perguntas. Embora eu sempre seja um humilde aprendiz, há algo novo para aprender.

**All credits go to the original artist. No copyright infringements intended!!**

#spiritual #tantra #tantric #saxophone #sacralchakra #awaken #kundalini #creativity #noteD #144hz #288hz #576hz #morethan #holistic #personaltrainer #alchemist #healer #angelonearth #experience #respect #compassion #understanding #transcendental #knowledge #transcendentalknowledge #wisdom #humbleness #vegan #genetics #vibrations

Shape of You - Tabla Cover

Im in love with your body, im in love with the shape of you.... Hoooo self Love. Root chakra activation.

**All credits go to the original record label and artist. No copyright infringements intended!!**

#spiritual #tabla #drums #rootchakra #awaken #kundalini #grounding #notec #128hz #256hz #512hz #morethan #holistic #personaltrainer #alchemist #healer #angel #angelonearth #experience #respect #compassion #understanding #transcendental #knowledge #transcendentalknowledge #wisdom #humbleness #vegan #genetics #vibrations


Animals and the Power of Music

EN: These are sentient beings. They are always happy if not hurt, they like to play, are very curious, they feel love, empathy, have feelings, just like humans. Please dont eat the animals, do not contribute more for their slaughter, they are dear to us, we should just take care of them, thats in one of our purposes here on Earth, to take care of the World, animals, plants and dont cause cruelty, nor arm, nor chaos, nor war, nor destruction. Im a liberal vegan for 3 years, and i dont need meats, i stopped eating corpses, my body is a beautiful garden, not a cemetery. I found all nutrients i need in fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, clean water, air Prana, the Sun, in the woods with Nature, grounding with Mother Earth.

PT: Estes seres são sencientes. São normalmente felizes desde que não sejam magoados, gostam de brincar, são muito curiosos, sentem amor, empatia, teem sentimentos tal como os humanos. Por favor, não coma os animais não contribua mais para a sua matança, eles são queridos para nós, devemos apenas cuidar deles, isso é em um dos nossos propósitos aqui na Terra, cuidar do Mundo, Animais, Plantas e não causar crueldade, nem magoar os outros, nem causar caos, nem guerra nem destruição. Sou vegano liberal há 3 anos, não preciso de carnes, parei de comer cadáveres, meu corpo é um lindo jardim, não um cemitério. Encontrei todos os nutrientes que eu preciso em frutas, legumes, cereais, nozes, água limpa, ar, Prana, o Sol, na floresta com a natureza, ligado á Mãe Terra.

#animals #animais #respecttheanimals #respeitemosanimais #Krishna #sentientbeings #seressencientes #animalrights #direitosdosanimais #stopcruelty #paremcomacrueldade #stopeatingtheanimals #paremdecomerosanimais #vegan #govegan #prana #MotherEarth #MawTerra #Sun #Sol #TheSun #Nature #Natureza


How to Open Your 7 Chakras || The Science of The Chakras & Chakra Healing

When unlocking or unblocking, energising and balancing the Chakras, one becomes healthier, more immune to unwellness, ailments and diseases. Also one becomes more Spiritually Psychologically Physically Nutritious Awaken Conscious Aware, but will still live with some duality in life. One looses duality when the Kundalini Rises, and one becomes Uno, as the perception of all is so imense, and the powers withing increase.

One must do this without any fears, as what will happen will all be natural and nothing scary like there are deception videos and articles on YouTube and other online sources stating that. Its a lie. It is infact very good and its a must, especially for the ones that question all, that look for the truth, for a better and healthier life. Now i must warn, one might loose all material and money centrism attachments. If you are ready to be free, then do this. Im here to help anyone that either need help or just have some questions.

And dont forget to keep having fun, enjoying life, and being happy.

Safri Duo - Baya Baya

Though these sounds and beats will reactivate and energise all the chakras, its on the Red Root chakra or Muladhara that will cause more impact. And its veryimportant to have this chakra healthy, as its the one that determines our grounding, our stability, our strength. If this chakra is out of balance, all the other chakras will be compromised too, and the person will experience bad times, ilnesses, ailments, disease, lack of stability, etc. No doctor will tell us that. But who needs those true knowledge lacking conventional doctors that can only prescribe us a slow death, nowadays. We have the world in our hands, lets use all the tools and resources wiselly for our good benefit and of the others that are humble enough to join.

Ever wonder why music vibes and frequencies make us vibe even more. Its like all our DNA gets boosted and energised. I listen to these guys since they appeared on the scene. I remember of my clubbing days, and those were always actually the most happy days of my life. If we think back "which were the best and most happy days of my life in which i had more fun and felt more free". This can tell us much and set us free again. Its like a return to innocence per se. Of course that now more experienced, more knowledgeable, stronger, wiser, healthier maybe. In their clips they make sure they show us the truth about our body biochemistry, especially on the Played-A-Live video clip. Because its true, its a energy of sounds, vibes, and frequencies that trigger our DNA, its music. Something that the more it hit us, it will never hurt, as long as its not 444hz :D

#SafriDuo #drums #music #vibes #goodvivesonly #frequencies #chakras #activation #Reactivation #balance #energise #root #rootchakra #sacral #solarplexus #Kundalini #shakti #behappy #befree #enjoylife


Limpieza de Colon - El método simple

Cómo hacer una limpieza, una desintoxicación del hígado, la vesícula biliar y el colon que te hará sentir como si hubieras eliminado 10 libras de basura de tu cuerpo. Te hará sentir más ligero, más brillante, más enérgico y mejorará las funciones cognitivas, entre otros beneficios.

Incluye un poco de ayuno intermitente de vez en cuando obteniendo tantas horas como sea posible sin comer nada. Incluye alimentos limpios y enérgicos, especialmente verduras, frutas, cereales, todos de la familia de las nueces, frijoles, lentejas, granos, sal rosada, azúcar amarilla o miel, dátiles. Toma algunos suplementos de desintoxicación saludables. Incluye más hierbas, tés en lugar de café, ya que el café impide que un gran porcentaje de oxígeno / prana ingrese al cerebro. Deshágase de los dolores de cabeza, el dolor menstrual, los resfriados, la gripe, las enfermedades graves y la enfermedad, y viva una vida larga, saludable y feliz.

Opte por productos sin OGM, sin conservantes, sin aditivos, sin venenos. Ok ok ... Entiendo que es un poco difícil, pero siempre podemos hacer lo mejor que podamos.

Más videos como este y muchos otros, incluidos varios videos relacionados con la salud, otros temas, artículos para comprar y más en mi Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com

Usualmente agrego cosas, corrijo, así que tenga paciencia para que pronto todo esté allí para todos ustedes, con enlaces directos para comprar, con los mejores productos a precios bajos. Todo investigado, encontrado y probado por mí primero. Todos estan bien. Cualquier pregunta, estoy aquí para ayudar.

#AndreasMoritz #detox #vegan #powerfood #cleanfood #cleaneating #nongmo #prana #MotherEarth #MotherNature #THESOURCE #Lugols #Iodine #ColloidalSilver #Vitamins #MultiVitamins #BComplex #VitaminD3 #5HTP #5_HTP #Resveratrol #Mitochondria #AntiAgeing #healer #alchemy #superhumans #powerwithin #knowledge #feelhealth #feel_health78


Como fazer uma Limpeza de Vesícula e Fígado

Como fazer uma limpeza, uma desintoxicação de fígado, vesícula e cólon que vai te fazer sentir como se tivesses tirado 10 kg de porcaria do teu corpo. Vai te sentir mais leve, mais iluminado(a), mais enérgico(a), e melhora as funções cognitivas, entre outros benefícios.

Inclui algum jejum intermitente de vez em quando ficando o maximo de horas que conseguires sem comer nada. Inclui alimentos limpos e energéticos, especialmente legumes, frutas, cereais, todos da familia das nozes, feijão, lentilhas, grãos, sal rosa, açúcar amarelo ou mel, tamaras. Toma alguns suplementos de desintoxicação saudáveis. Inclui mais ervas, chás em vez de café, visto que o café bloqueia uma grande porcentagem de oxigênio / prana de entrar no cérebro. Torna te livre de dores de cabeça, dores menstruais, constipações, gripes, maus estares e doenças, e vive uma vida longa, saudável e feliz.

Opta por produtos naõ OGM, sem conservantes, sem aditivos, sem venenos. Ok ok ... eu entendo que é um pouco difícil, mas sempre podemos fazer o melhor que podemos.

Mais vídeos como este e muitos outros, incluindo vários vídeos relacionados com a saúde, outros temas, itens para comprar e muito mais no meu Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com

Normalmente vou adicionando coisas, corrigindo, então sê paciente que logo tudo estará lá tudo para todos vocês, com links diretos para comprar, com os melhores produtos a preços baixos. Todos pesquisados, encontrados e testados por mim primeiro. São todos bons. Qualquer dúvida, estou aqui para ajudar.

#AndreasMoritz #detox #vegan #powerfood #cleanfood #cleaneating #nongmo #prana #MotherEarth #MotherNature #THESOURCE #Lugols #Iodine #ColloidalSilver #Vitamins #MultiVitamins #BComplex #VitaminD3 #5HTP #5_HTP #Resveratrol #Mitochondria #AntiAgeing #healer #alchemy #superhumans #powerwithin #knowledge #feelhealth #feel_health78

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush (CLASSIC DVD) — Andreas Moritz

How to do a cleanse, a detox, liver, gallbladder, colon that will leave you feeling like you took 10kg of rubish out of your body. You will feel lighter, more enlightened, more energetic.

Include some intermittent fasting. Include power clean foods, especially vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, beans, lentils, grains, brown sugar, only pink salt, yellow sugar or honey, dates. Take some healthy detoxing supplements. Include more herbs, teas instead of coffee that blocks a big percentage of the oxygen / prana to in the brain. Become head aches, menstrual pains, flues, colds, ailments and diseases free, and live a healthy happy long life.

Opt for non gmo, no preservatives, no additives, no fillers, no binders, no nasties at all products only. Ok ok... i understand that its difficult, but we can do the best we can always.

More videos like this and many others, including varied health related videos, subjects, items to purchase and much more on my blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com
Im usually adding stuff, correcting, so be patient as soon soon all will be there for you all, with direct links to purchase, with the best products as the cheaper prices. All searched, found and tested by me first. So they are all good. Any questions, im here to help.

#AndreasMoritz #detox #vegan #powerfood #cleanfood #cleaneating #nongmo #prana #MotherEarth #MotherNature #THESOURCE #Lugols #Iodine #ColloidalSilver #Vitamins #MultiVitamins #BComplex #VitaminD3 #5HTP #5_HTP #Resveratrol #Mitochondria #AntiAgeing #healer #alchemy #superhumans #powerwithin #knowledge #feelhealth #feel_health78

Hand'z Up (We Brahmacharis) - HipHop & Rap Remix

Im not much of a turned to hip hop guy. But i love spiritual awaken conscious aware music. This makes it meaningful music. And the beats are kinda cool. Just sharing.

#spiritual #awaken #conscious #aware #healing #music #thirdeye #firsteye #pinealgland #lugols #iodine #detox #dmt #experience #knowledge #intelligence #wisdom #quantum #metaphysics #alchemy #love

How To Release DMT! | The Spirit Molecule | Ralph Smart

Como produzir mais DMT, a molécula espiritual que facilita a nossa ligação com o lado espiritual e outras dimensões.

How to produce more DMT, the spiritual molecule that facilitates our connection with the spiritual side and other dimensions.
#dmt #spirituality #awaken #dimensions #5d #5thdimension #detox #vegan #thirdeye #firsteye #ralphsmart #infinitewaters #healer #alchemy #metaphysics #superhumans #powerwithin #believe #knowledge #hermetics #thoth #hermestrismegistus #ancient #transcendental #kundalini #wakeup #feelhealth #feel_health78


How i did a Fitness Bodybuilding Full Body Outdoor Workout Meriden Park ...

Im a vegan Wellness Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Spiritual Psychological Physical Healer and Personal Trainer. I base my procedures and actions to assist in achieving any health goals on Ayurveda, Herbalism, Vegan Nutrition, Biochemistry, Psychology, Neurology and Genetics. In terms of supplementation, all products i recommend are Non GMO, No Nasties, No Fillers, No Binders, No Additives, No Preservatives, just the Nutrients usually in Powder form and non synthetic, so nothing created in labs, but instead are all plant sourced. Check me out subscribe and ring my bell if interested in knowing more of how to have a super healthy happy long life in a all natural way. More info on my Blog.

Health Prosperity and Happiness.

#health #holistic #fitness #bodybuilding #exercise #personaltrainer #healthandfitness #vegan #nutrition #knowledge #muscle #musclegain #Genetics #Epigenetics #Biochemistry #Psychology #QuantumPhysics #spirituality #Mitochondria #streetgym #outdoorfitness #weight #weightgain #weightloss #betterversion #betterself #higherself #unitedkingdom #watford #Hertfordshire


FEEL HEALTH @feel_health78 on all social networks.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/feelhealth78/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

PayPal: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78