
Curas Proibidas Episódio 1 Dr. Lair Ribeiro

Espero que estejam todos bem de saúde, e que estejam felizes.

Adoro Dr. Lair Ribeiro. É um profissional de saúde altamente em todos os aspetos e sentido. Tem um imenso conhecimento e experiência de vida e profissional. Tem imenso conhecimento das práticas e terapias holísticas, portanto de ayurveda. Recomendo Dr. Lair Ribeiro ás pessoas descrentes nas minhas palavras, dicas de saúde e mais, especialmente ás com problemas de saúde, especialmente ás com problemas de saúde há anos e anos que teem vido a receber tratamentos e medicação de seus medicos de familia ou outros, e nunca ficam curadas, pois remédio não cura, apenas remedeia.

Não sou o criador deste documentario. O link direto para a fonte original do video, depois pode levar aos outros episódios. Espero que gostem, e que possa ajudar muitos, especialmente a ficarem mais iluminados em relação ao que realmente é a medicina convencional.

Link para o video original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc3ombqm4_0&t=235s

Não tenho intenção nenhuma de monetizar estes videos que partilho de outros. Apenas artilho para fazer chegar a informação a todos, para que todos possamos usufruir dos beneficios. Assimilar informação aumenta o conhecimento, e conhecimento é poder.

#DrLairRibeiro, #Medicina,#CuraHolistica, #Cura, #MedicinaConvencional, #VenenosQuimicos, #MedicaçãoQuimica, #Remedios, #LairRibeiro, #MédicoConceituado, #ProfissionaldeSaude, #Conhecimento, #DicasDoDrLairRibeiro, #DicasDeSaude #CurasProibidas #Medicine, #HolisticHealing #Healing #ConventionalMedicine #ChemicalPoison #ChemicalMedicines #Remedies #RenownDoctor #HealthProfessional #Knowledge #DoctorLairRibeiroTips #HealthTips #ForbiddenHealing #Ayurveda


Human behaviour due to lack of connection and proper programming Education

In a society where money centrism, materialism, stereotyping, discrimination, prejudice, disrespect, bullying, ostentation show off is being practised by so many. I conclude after observing human behaviour and analysing well, that this brainwashing, indoctrination system been limiting humans too much in their spiritual and psychological faculties for intuition and discernment. That means that there are more humans not sharing righteous values, not teaching nor leading properly. That is what happen when the systems of the system is corrupt,rotten, and it infects all around from its core.

Schools of knowledge like existed in ancient egypt, india, greece should come back.


#HumanBehaviour, #Psychoanalyse, #Stereotypes, #Consciousness, #Awareness, #Psychology, #Neurology, #SpiritualConsciousness, #PsychologicalConsciousness, #ViroticSystem, #BrainwashingSystem, #IndoctrinationSystem, #InsanitySystem, #DumbingDownSystem, #BehavingLikeSheep, #SleepingAF #TVProgram, #Hypnosis, #DeepSleep, #WTFUP #GovernmentIsAShepard #WrongEducationSystem #FormimgTools #FormingSlaves #ConformedMasses, #BrainLimitations #SquareDown #TheyAreDisconnected #KnowThySelf #TedTalk


Keeping fit playing with my Cat

I just wanted to share this. Playing around like this also counts as exercise to keep healthy fit and happy ;)

#Fitness, #HealthandFitness, #Bodybuilding, #Exercise, #KeepingActive, #KeepingHealthy, #KeepingHappy, #PersonalTrainer, #ActiveLife, #HealthyLifestyle, #PlayingwithCats, #PurpletheCat, #OutdoorFitness

Back Singing To the Moon and back by Savage Garden

I just love to sing. Especially when im driving. It's defenitly the best medicine to heal Spirit Heart Mind and all other kinds of ailments.

I miss karaoke, but soon i'll be there again.

Keep health and happy ✌🙏


#SavageGarden, #TotheMoonandback, #BackSinging, #Karaoke, #ILoveMusic, #DJXtrela, #MusicistheKey


Nomad Life South Portugal Setubal Day Two

Just another video of the beautiful South of Portugal, Setubal Town, near Lisbon. Enjoy ;)

#NomadLife #OffGrid #SurvivalMode #LookingattheSun #LookingattheMoon #BirdsSinging #ImARebel #Camper #SleepinginaTent #Sleepinginthewoods #LookingattheStars #TheBeach #SetubalCity #SouthofPortugal #SpiritualConsciousGuy #SelfHealing #ForestTherapy #BirdsSoundTherapy #PlantsColoursTherapy #ForestAromaTherapy #Awaken #KnowledgeisPower #WeAreOne #LoveisAll

Be Stronger Song By Fil Da Silva

I woke up last thursday the 02.07.2020, after a dream in which there was a men climbing up a mountain, but he wanted to give up, quit, let himself go and fall in to the abis. So i improvised these lyrics. There is mistakes like "Swim up that ladder" 😁 . I haven't wrote nothing, i just sang what was flowing on my mind. I recorded it on my phone while still inside my tent. Its something i have to work on now, adding some melody with the acoustic guitar and some percussion with some drums. Maybe ill try first with Odesi, my music creation software.

I have to do these things little by little because im still living as a nomad, sleeping in a tent or in my car, which is not that big, while im trying to generate money or find a job in which i dont have to use a mask, as i cant stand 20 minutes with it, and start lacking the oxygen and feeling very unwell. I have things to sell, but the government is not giving licences with the excuse that people will join and form groups and cause of covid that can not happen. Also wild camping was made illegal in europe, especially near the beach where i have my tent. And there is allot of snitches that go and call the cops for one to be living frewe in nature like me and so many others. Then the police always bugging me off. So i could not sing very loud too. Anyways, soon things will be better for sure, especially because i never stop doing things to improve the status of things.

Give me your opinion about the lyrics on the comments. Ill appreciate it very much.

Thank you very much, im very grateful for the subscribers, likes and the positive comments. I appreciate you all very much. Thank you for watching my videos and listening to the things i share.

Keep healthy, happy and strong always.


Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

Feel Health Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/FeelHealthier78/

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


#Song #Lyrics #BeStronger #FilSinging #Music #MotivationalMusic #UpliftingMusic #InspiringMusic #SpiritualAscension #Psychological #Ascension #Bravery #Courage #NoFear #Awake #ThePowerWithin #YouTuber #Entertainer #DJXtrela #FeelEntertainer


Nomad Life and Fitness

Recently i decided to try to do a Nomad life. So i left england by car, travelled 2.500 kms, and assembled a tent 3km from Setubal Town Centre, South of Portugal, in the woody mountains. So i can be more connected with nature. This is a spiritual, psychological and health experience.

There shouldnt be any excuses to not to do an active life and exercise, apart from a type of limitation due to a disease or a physical dificience, which an active life, exercise and a healthier, more conscious and wiser type of nutrition might help heal.

#Nomad #Fitness #WellnessHolisticCoach #HealthExperience #LivingintheNature #LivingintheWoods #LivingintheMountains #SpirituallyPsychologicallyandPhysicallyWell #Freedom #OutoftheMatrix #OutoftheGrid #SleepinginaTent #PersonalTrainer #Bodybuilding #HealthandFitness


Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB



Donations Link


I been helping some people with their health issues for some years. I usually dont charge for many services. If i charge is in order to become better in what im doing, grow, evolve and be able to help more and better, using better and more adveanced gear.

In case you appreciate my help and wish to make a donation, the link is bellow.

Humbly thank you


PayPal Donations: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


Short House Music Set - Meaningful Playing

Training and having fun.

Only 1 track is Copyrighted.

Thank you to the artists that created the tracks i use here.

#DJ #Set #DJSet #DJaying #HouseMusic #DJDecks #SeratoDJPro #Numark #MixtrackPro3 


Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/DJXtrela/house-music-brazilian-beats-dj-xtrela_1_191219/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78 

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978 

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A? 

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78 

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98 

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB 



How to Heal Pain Inflammation Naturally

In this video i just talk a little about what i usually do to prevent and heal pain and inflammation in a naturally holistic way through nutrition. All that i mention come from researches and self tests i made.

Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB



Bruce Lee Workout and Insane Training

Huuummm, quite similar workout routine as mine on off work days. It is time consuming, but the benefits are awesome.

The #meditation, the #manifestation, the absorption of #Chi, the #flow, #defence and #strike. Moving like a feline, an snake and a monkey ate the same time. Made me remember the good old times in the woods by myself training with the trees, free as a hawk. I just wanna get back to my forests so i can practice my Thai Chi and my Jeet Kune Do, and be left in my peace. I was always a fan of Bruce Lee 😊

Hollywood drained him so much and killed him in the end. He was helping so many awaken and know how to fight for defence. Martial arts were left to humans by beings not from Earth thousands of years ago. This is a program already on our genetic code, written by the Soul. Unfortunately we are blocked since birth with vaccines, and all the educational and governmental virotic wrong evil insane system. Even the languages we have them inside of us already. Thats why i speak 4. They can delay, but they will never stop us. Bruce Lee Soul had the mission to do what he did. And he did it well leaving a good legacy.

#BruceLee #MartialArts #HealthandFitness #Bodybuilding #Health #Nutrition #PersonalTrainer #WorkoutRoutine #Workout #Exercise #Fitness

Train with Van Damme - Lesson 1 [1/5]

Yeap, im his fan. Who knew that the famous drunk dancer of kickboxer movie would be one day become a youtuber hehehe. I enjoyed very much seing that he is doing fine with his health and maintaining his awesome physic. He used to be a ballet dancer when he was younger. He is a simple humble modest men and also an animal lover, and a freedom fighter. Hope someone also likes him. Now im going to find Bruce Lee 😊

He once went on a press conference and unmasked the elites.

#VanDamme #TrainwithVanDamme #MartialArts #HealthandFitness #Bodybuilding #Health #Nutrition

Dancing scene on kickboxer movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE8XKeN0zk4

Bruce Lee's Perfect Body & Mind��Training & Demostrations ��#1

The #meditation, the #manifestation, the absorption of #Chi, the #flow, #defence and #strike. Moving like a feline, an snake and a monkey ate the same time. Made me remember the good old times in the woods by myself training with the trees, free as a hawk. I just wanna get back to my forests so i can practice my Thai Chi and my Jeet Kune Do, and be left in my peace. I was always a fan of Bruce Lee 😊

Hollywood drained him so much and killed him in the end. He was helping so many awaken and know how to fight for defence. Martial arts were left to humans by beings not from Earth thousands of years ago. This is a program already on our genetic code, written by the Soul. Unfortunately we are blocked since birth with vaccines, and all the educational and governmental virotic wrong evil insane system. Even the languages we have them inside of us already. Thats why i speak 4. They can delay, but they will never stop us. Bruce Lee Soul had the mission to do what he did. And he did it well leaving a good legacy.

#BruceLee #MartialArts #HealthandFitness #Bodybuilding #Health #Nutrition #PersonalTrainer


Lindsey Stirling - Stars Align [Live]

Get to know your power. We are hight vibrational beings with bodies going at frequencies from low to high. We are blessed beings, and not limited. It surprises me how so many people has such a limitated music taste. But i understand each is what and how they are.

This is natural energy coming from THE SOURCE. If you read about her story, you will know. She battled allot to be allowed to play in front of crowds. Many blocked her, didnt believe in her, said that she could never do playing the violin and dance, many years ago. And now look at her. She is an angel, dont you recognise? Angels are blocked on this planet. But she made it. The violin, cords are associated vobes and frequencies for the heart chakra, blend it with other instruments or sounds and we have a whole chakra alignment. I found her not long time ago, when i was preparing a healing project. Hope you like this one 😉💚✌



Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony

Now can someone tell me what is difficult to understand here? Why do they always chose satanic rituals??? Still sleeping?

We need to lose fears, unite and go outside destroy them and the 5G towers, otherwise we are all screwed.

Agora alguém me pode dizer o que é dificil de entender aqui? E porque será que escolhem rituais satanicos??? Ainda dormes?

Precisamos perder todos os medos, unir mos nos e ir lá fora destruí los e ás antenas 5G, ou senatão estamos todos lixados.

The opening ceremony of Olympic games in London, 2012 was Predictive pro...

Now can someone tell me what is difficult to understand here? It looks to me information that it would be a future virus pandemic. And this was in 2012. These guys guess the future, wow Why do they always chose satanic rituals??? Still sleeping?

We need to lose fears, unite and go outside destroy them and the 5G towers, otherwise we are all screwed.

Agora alguém me pode dizer o que é dificil de entender aqui? A mim parece me que foi a informação de que iria haver uma pandemia de virus no futuro. E isto foi em 2012. Estes gajos adivinham o futuro, wow. E porque será que escolhem rituais satanicos??? Ainda dormes?

Precisamos perder todos os medos, unir mos nos e ir lá fora destruí los e ás antenas 5G, ou senatão estamos todos lixados.


Food as Medicine Amino Acids to Heal Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder...

In this video i talk about the use of Food as Medicine Amino Acids to Heal Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder Diabetes Blood Pressure.

Magnesium is the main mineral to heal many issues. Go to the Sun, go to the Sea, go to the Forest, meditate, do exercise, keep a active healthy lifestyle, practice good deeds, share Love. Plant good seeds to harvest good fruits. Use sound, colours, aromas, ayurveda/herbalism. This is all part of the natural holistic healing therapies. Knowledge is power.

If a viewer has any issues with the video, if its showing anything that he or she might find compromising of his or her own privacy, then please peak to me before any strikes.

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?disable

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?view_as=subscriber

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


Wheels of Energy - House Music by DJ Xtrela


This is a simple House Music sample i created with a music creation software. I was not playing with music making since 2004. The time i created 3 Tech House tracks with fruity loops. But as it was my first computer, a old Dell Latitude 600 laptop, and i used it so much that it crashed the hard drive.

Now i back in to music making and DJaying. And made this music thinking about our inner energies, more specifically what many refer as The Chakras. Since i been listening to it, i feel more energetic, my brain works better, and my sleep improved. Hope it has a similar or even better effect on all listeners.

Everyone can use this music for free for any non comercial use purposes. Including you can download it. Even though its a simple one. Please just add this when using it "Wheels of Energy - House Music by DJ Xtrela: https://youtu.be/0TZ-z-NBixk

I will come up with better work.


Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?disable

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?view_as=subscriber

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


#MusicComposing #DJaying #WheelsofEnergy #DJXtrela #HouseMusic #Odesi #7Chakras #Chakras #SpiritualMusic #SpiritualHouseMusic #HealingMusic #UpliftingMusic #SoulHealer #SoulMusic


Vegan Meal Part One 777

Just a simple vegan meal im preparing. And i mention the ingredients and some of their properties and benefits. When cooking and eating i always have in mind the nutrients, healing properties, benefits and energy. Thats how i healed myself from 14 years of meds and from 25 years of smocking, which i quitted almost 5 years ago. Keep healthy, keep happy, enjoy life. 


Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?disable

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?view_as=subscriber

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98.

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Grateful i am: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


#holistic #naturopathy #healing #DOMS #delayedonsetmusclesoreness #nutrients #nutrition #healtylifestyle #wellness #aminoacids #vitamins #proteins #enzymes #personaltrainer #coronavirus #woke #spirituality #holístico #naturopatia #cura #nutrientes #nutrição #estilodevidasaudável #bemestar #aminoacidos #vitaminas #proteinas #enzimas #desperto #espiritualidade


How to replace assemble Citroen Xsara Picasso 2002 rear bumper

I created VersatileTec in 2007/2008. In 2010 it had infrastructure installations near the city of Porto, Portugal. This was more than 3 years before i acquired my electronics technician qualifications.

Naturally i try to be as self sufficient as possible, in most of the cases i repair my own things, and if requested i repair the things of others. This time i needed to do this, and i did not spent money paying someone else to do what i can do myself, and i saved, especially because the rear bumper was on sale for £38.00 including shipping expenses.

Hope this video can help, encourage, motivate and inspire others. Any questions or requests, drop it on the comments or via private messages in any of the available message formats.

Thank you for watching.

#Citroen #Picasso #Bumper #Xsara #CitroenXsaraPicasso #Repairs #Handyman #electronics #electrician #electricity #electronicstechnician #ITTechnician #CitroenXsaraPicassoRearBumper #AutoMechanics #parachoques #reparações #eletrónicas #técnicodeeletrónica #técnicodeti #mecânicaauto #eletricista #eletricidade


Raising Consciousness and Awareness Regarding Nutritional Education

Raising Consciousness and Awareness Regarding Nutritional Education
We reflect and emanate what we eat. Choose healthy and wisely.

Use Code FILIPE15 for more 15% Discount on all purchases on this link: https://timehealth.co.uk/

#Nutrition #Food #Health #WellnessCoach #HolisticCoach #HealthyLifestyle #PersonalTrainer #CleanFood #Vegan #Vegetarian #Nutrients #HealingFood #SportsNutrition #DetoxNutrition

Going to try a Nomad Lifestyle

This video includes spiritual and psychological content that might go against many beliefs, points of view, and it might superficially defy the mind. I use only basic types of thinking, and presenting points of view based on the most high righteous universal values and on some events of my life experiences. Being conscious of the free will, and that we all are sovereign beings and responsible of the consequences of our acts.

#Nomad #Adventure #Traveller #Nomad #Adventure #Solo #SoloRider #LoneRider #Survivor #Spiritual #Awaken #Woke #Consciousness #Awareness #NoFear


A Mentira Coronavirus e 5G

Neste vídeo, estou tentando ajudar na conscientização e atênção á situação atual causada pelo que eu vejo como a mentira do Coronavírus e 5G.

Entretanto devemos estar cientes dos aspetos positivos disto tudo.

Mantenha os olhos abertos, mantenha-se saudável, mantenha-se feliz.

#Coronavirus #5G #GeoEngenharia #agenda21 #reduçãodapopulaçãomundial #elites #realezas #cabal #mentira #CEM #Radiação #camposelétricosemagnéticos

Coronavirus and 5G Hoax EN

On this video im trying to help on raising consciousness and awareness regarding the actual situation caused by what i see as the Coronavirus and 5G hoax.

Meanwhile we should all be conscious and aware of all the positive aspects of all this.

Keep the eyes open, keep healthy, keep happy.

#Coronavirus #5G #GeoEngineering #agenda21 #worldpopulationreduction #elites #royalties #cabal #hoax #EMF #Radiation


Basic Education Values and Recycling Policies

Português mais abaixo.

EN: On this video i speak about the lack of proper education regarding recycling actions, and the negative impact in all ways, areas, aspects, levels and senses, affecting negatively the Environment, Ecosystem, Atmosphere, Humans, Animals, Plants and Water. Its up to us, share a proper and right type of education, and self educate throughout life to just be more responsible and careful, conscious and aware regarding all our actions, and in this theme, regarding recycling actions and policies.

We can all heal Mother Earth and everyone and everything else with our actions, because the consequences should always be positive and healthy.


PT: Neste vídeo, falo sobre a falta de educação adequada sobre as ações de reciclagem e o impacto negativo em todos os aspectos, áreas, aspectos, níveis e sentidos, afetando negativamente o meio ambiente, o ecossistema, a atmosfera, os seres humanos, os animais, as plantas e a água. Cabe a nós, compartilhar um tipo de educação adequado e correto, e auto-educar ao longo da vida para sermos mais responsáveis e cuidadosos, conscientes e conscientes de todas as nossas ações e, neste tema, das ações e políticas de reciclagem.

Todos nós podemos curar a Mãe Terra e todos e tudo mais com nossas ações, porque as consequências devem sempre ser positivas e saudáveis.


#Recycling #Ecosystem #Preservation #education #selfeducation #health #nopollution #notoxicity #awaken #consciousness #awareness #MotherEarth #Planet #Human #Animals #Plants #vegan #flexyvegan #futuregenerations #environment #reciclando #preservação #educação #autoesducação #autodidáta #saúde #sempoluição #semtoxicidade #desperto #consciência

Vegan Bodybuilding Smoothie 23112019

Hi. This is one more of my super powerful nutrient rich smoothie. I made it on the same day as the week full body workout video.

I like to create, improve, enhance, test and try. And most of the times i surprise myself. Then i write it down. This one is a booster, detoxifying and a healer.

Keep tuned for more recipes, and more spiritual psychological physical nutrition health based content.


#Bodybuilding #Nutrition #Smoothie #health #healthandfitness #aesthetics #boostingsmoothie #healingsmoothie #personaltrainer #nutrição #batido #saúde #fitness #estética #batidopoderoso #fisiculturismo #vegan #vegano #flexyvegan #flexivegano #fruitsmoothie #proteinsmoothie

DJ Xtrela Best House Music Mix 2019

Hi. Hope you like this music set i recorded. Hope you like it. Enjoy and have fun ✌

#music #dj #djaying #house #housemusic #numark #oldschool #dance #dancemusic #party #havefun #enjoy

Full Body Workout short version Feel Health

Hi, I recorded these videos last year, November. Its uploaded on YouYube. It's just a week-long set of exercises for a wide range of muscles in the body. This helps me not to spend so much time on exercises, so it is good for saving time and is effective. Especially for those who have more busy lives and want to increase or maintain their fitness level. I hope you like it ✌💚🙌

PT: Oi, gravei estes vídeos ano passado, Novembro. Fiz o upload no YouYube. É apenas um set de uma semana de exercícios para uma vasta porção de musculos do corpo. Isto ajuda me a não levar tanto tempo nos exercícios, então é bom para economizar em tempo e é eficaz. Muito bom para, especialmente para quem tem vidas mais atarefadas e quer aumentar ou manter seu nível de fitness. Espero que gostes ✌💚🙌

Complete Version: https://youtu.be/_hNj2rkw06g

#fitness #bodybuilding #healthandfitness #health #personaltrainer #hardgainer #nutrition #homeworkouts #homeexercise #flexyvegan #vegan #conscious #fisiculturismo #saúde #nutrição #vegano #flexivegano #consciência #exercícioemcasa #instrutordefitness #coach #healer


snap-do you see the light (original)

Wonderful day for all of us and no fear. We are stronger than we ever believed we are. Just be on the mood of love, have fun and enjoy 😉👍💚✌

Dia maravilhoso pra todos e sem medos. Nós somos mais fortes que alguma vez acreditámos ser. Apenas vive no estado de espirito do Amor, diverte te e curte bué 😉👍💚✌

#Snap #oldschool #oldschoolmusic #disco #the90s #90s #ilovemusic #ilovetolove #ilovetobeloved #sharelove #ilovetosharelove #iamlove #soul #alma #souamor #amoamar #amoseramado #partilhaamor #amomusica #nofear #semmedos #havefun #enjoy #divertete #curte #anos90 #osanos90 #velhaguarda #vanguarda


Michael Jackson - 1 Hour of - DJ Storm

Today is my dear Michael Jackson aka MJ day. Thanks to Thea that is a wonderful intelligent simple honest woman, im listening to Him again, after a while on absence. This one is for you dear, especially at 49 minutes. Having fun and enjoying allot. Peace and Love 😉💚✌

Hoje é o dia do meu querido Michael Jackson, também conhecido como MJ. Graças á Thea, que é uma mulher maravilhosa inteligente, honesta e simples, estou ouvindo-o novamente, depois de um tempo ausente. Esta é para ti querida, especialmente a partir dos 49 minutos. Estou a divertir me e a curtir bué. Paz e amor 😉💚✌

#MichaelJackson #MJ #KingofPop #Music #PopMusic #AngelsonEarth #FreedomFighters #PeacefulWarriors #LoveBringers #MotherEsrth #Universe #Animals #Children #Spiritual #Conscious #Aware #ArtisticVein #WearetheLight #WeareOne


EN: I know its a very strong word, but im certain im not misusing it. The first woman is a "piiiiiiiiiiii". Its true. Not only there is some gold diggers coming to my life like that, womans wanting to controle me, to change me and engage in their unhealthy lifestyles, and im not even a guy with allot of money, yet :D

The second woman was honest there, but might be because her boyfriend was present. Either he really trust her, or was giving her away. And i remember when i used to go clubbing on my younger days, that there was mens saying for me to take their girlfriends, cause the were on to me. I never did it because i feel uncomfortable with it, its not right. But she had to mention her boyfriend has a Maserati. How come womans give so much value to a car, so materialistic. Not generalising of course.

I only like single womans that know what they want, and if they want me, will work together with me for us to be together, including in the case we are on different countries. Because im like this, when i fall in love, and i fall in love easy, its my heart its too soft, i know what i want, and i help on things for the case one must travel to meet. But i will never go to countries like philippines not iraq, where in one there is an insane president that kills people just because they consume drugs, and on the other womans are subjugated, and people burned alive if suspected that have coronavirus. Nor i will go to any other country where the level of poverty and education is too high, and people always looking for an opportunity to reap one off.

Well, in the end, im very well with my simple, old, humble picasso.

PT: Eu sei que é uma palavra muito forte, mas tenho certeza de que não estou abusando dela. A primeira mulher é uma "piiiiiiiiiiii". É verdade. Não são apenas algumas caça tesouros que aparecem na minha vida assim. Mulheres querer me controlar, querendo me fazer engrenar em seus estilos de vida pouco saudáveis, e nem sou um cara com muito dinheiro :D

A segunda mulher foi honesta ali, mas pode ser porque o namorado dela estava presente. Ou ele realmente confiava nela, ou a estava entregando. E eu lembro quando eu costumava ir ás discotecas nos meus dias mais jovens, que havia homens dizendo para eu levar as namoradas deles, porque elas estavam a fim de mim. Eu nunca fiz isso porque me sinto desconfortável com isso, não está certo. Mas ela tinha que mencionar que seu namorado tem um Maserati. Como é que as mulheres dão tanto valor a um carro, tão materialistas? Não generalizando é claro.

Eu só gosto de mulheres solteiras que sabem o que querem e, se me querem, trabalharemos juntos para estarmos juntas, inclusive no caso de estarmos em países diferentes. Porque sou assim, quando me apaixono, e eu me apaixono fácil, meu coração é muito mole, sei o que quero e ajudo nas coisas para o caso em que um de nós quere viajar para se encontrar. Mas nunca irei a países como as Filipinas, Iraque, onde em um há um presidente insano que mata pessoas apenas porque consomem drogas, e no outro as mulheres são subjugadas e as pessoas queimadas vivas se houver suspeita de coronavírus. Nem vou para sitios onde o nivel de pobreza e educação são tão altos, que as pessoas andam sempre á procura de oportunidades para dar a banhada a um gajo.

Bem, no final, estou muito bem com meu simples, velho e humilde picasso.


Thought provoking video by Jim Carrey | Alan Watts

One needs to have much DMT naturally pouring out of the pineal gland. Portals open on the Astral plane and the views there are divinely magnificent.
#JimCarrey #AlanWatts #psychology #neurology #perceptions #inceptions #deceptions #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #DMT #vegan #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj


5G Is A Weapon - The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology - The Hidden T...

Get to know more about 5G and the evil dark agenda of the royalties and elites. all connected with the actual rulers of this planet the archons.

#coronavirus #5G #geoengineering #GMO #evilagenda #nofear #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #stoptoxicity #vegan #NONGMO #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj

Fall of the Cabal Parts 1 to 10

Get to know more about the paedophile rings, children trafficking, blood rituals, cannibalism, and the evil dark agenda of the royalties and elites.

In the description are the source links for all 1 to 10 original episodes. Download them and share them as much as you can. We are truthers. The insanity, abuse, disrespect, genocides and wars must end.

#coronavirus #5G #geoengineering #GMO #evilagenda #nofear #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #stoptoxicity #vegan #NONGMO #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj

THE CORONAVIRUS | This Will Leave You Speechless! �� OMG!!! | (they won't...

#coronavirus #5G #geoengineering #GMO #evilagenda #nofear #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #stoptoxicity #vegan #NONGMO #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj

Solfeggio scale meditation 174 hz, 285 hz, 396 hz, 417 hz, 528 hz, 639 h...

Healing frequencies.
#healing #frequencies #healingfrequencies #ayurveda #holistic #wellness #coach #personaltrainer #healer

The Five Stages Of The Awakening

Im on stage 4


(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

Português mais abaixo.

EN: Now understand how things work globally and why the wars. Its all about divide and conquering. And if you think your little wonderful country or continent are save, think again, because not. While we sleep, 24/7 there are people and staff working to fulfill these evil agendas. People that do it for money, materialism and because they are evil. These people are squared, dumbed down indocrinated brainwashed, soulless heartless beings. And are shiting for you and others.

Now is time to wake up. Or you just watched The Matrix movie and other revealing ones fornebtertainment and didnt get a letter of the message. If you got the message then you know very well what to do aint it. And why you not doing it, spreading the truth at least. Haaa... thinking about the ones that will think ypu are out of tour mind??? What about if you grow and tell them to fuck of because you are who and what you are, that doesnt give a fuck for what other think. They wish having half the balls one has for not being a sheep going in line and doing the same as the flock of sheeps.


PT: Agora entende como as coisas funcionam globalmente e o porquê das guerras. É tudo dividir e conquistar. E se pensas que o teu pequeno e lindo país está safo, pensa outra vez, pois não está. Enquanto dormimos e 24h por dia 7 dias por semana há pessoal a trabalhar para levar a cabo estas agendas demoníaca. Pessoas que o fazem por dinheiro, materialismo e porque são maus. Essas pessoas são uns burros, quadrados, indocrinados, com lavagem cerebral até ao tutano, sem alma nem coração. Estão se a cagar para ti e para os outros.

Agora toca a despertar. Ou só viste o filme Matrix e outros reveladores por diversão e não percebeste uma letra da mensagem. Se percebeste a mensagem, sabes muito bem o que fazer. E porquê não estás a fazê lo, espalhando a verdade pelo menos. Haaa... com medo denos outros pensarem que estás lixado do juízo é??? Que tal se cresceres e mandares essa merda pró carvalho e cagar completamente para o que quer que os outros pensem de ti. Tomara terem metade dos tomates que uma pessoa tem para deixar de ser ovelha maria vai com as outras e não fazer o mesmo que o rebanho faz.

Brincadeira de ouro DIGGER PARTE 15! | HoomanTV

I think this is the best gold digger video i ever seen. Careful, there are many of these, and of all sorts :D

Acho que este é o melhor video de caçadoras de tesouros que já vi até agora. Cuidado, andam aí muitas e de todos os tipos


Grace Evora - Bia (Livity)

Cheeeee... depois de não sei quantos anos, finalmente encontrei esta musica. Infelizmente só tinha um pedacito dela num cd antigo, que depois passei para computador né. Finalmente estou a ouvir esta maravilha inteira... estou feliz weeee sons das minhas raízes 😉👍💚✌

Cheeeee ... after I don't know how many years, I finally found this song. Unfortunately had only a little piece of it on a old CD, which i later transferred to the computer right. I'm finally listening to this whole wonder... Weeee im happy with the sounds of my roots 😉👍💚✌



EN: Wow... the dancer is opening my heart chakra till the sky. He is like the serpent under the spell of the flute. Look how he moves, its amazingly beautiful.

The original music is from Gigi D'Agostino 1990. Very well saxo played by Daniele. An i was here melting listening to it and watching him and that young men with down syndrome vibing. Some just interiorise it, and some assimilate it in and then let it expand in to a wonderfully divinal expression. And that is the creativity coming deep from the Sacral Chakra, which is usually activated by the saxophone. It does also work on the root and solar plexus, and helps raising the kundalini, thats why usually people move like a snake hen listening to the saxophone, a truly divine instrument. Awesome performance. Peace and Love 😉👍💚✌

PT: Uau ... O dançarino está abrindo meu chakra do coração até o céu. Ele é como a serpente sob o feitiço da flauta. Vejam como ele se move, é incrivelmente lindo.

A música original é de Gigi D'Agostino 1990. Saxo muito bem tocado por Daniele. E eu aqui me derretendo ouvindo e assistindo ele e aquele jovem com síndrome de down vibrando. Alguns apenas interiorizam, outros o assimilam e depois o deixam expandir para uma expressão maravilhosamente divinal. E essa é a criatividade que vem profundamente do chakra do sacro, que geralmente é ativado pelo saxofone. Ele também trabalha na raiz e no plexo solar e ajuda a elevar a kundalini, por isso geralmente as pessoas se movem como uma serpente ouvindo o saxofone, um instrumento verdadeiramente divino. Desempenho impressionante. Paz e amor 😉👍💚✌

Laura Branigan - Self Control (Official Music Video)

Old school background... the 80s... good old times ;)

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Rad!cal Jaay & Nic Spiteri Bootleg)

Evanescense... Sublime 😉💚✌

Linkin Park - In The End (DeepDelic Remix)

Loving these remixes today. I know that someone out there also likes it. Its awesome DJ work.

My job is having fun, and fun is synonym of good health, im enjoying he ride, and hope to help others have fun and enjoy as much or even more than me. Im not a workaholic, much less a square minded systematised robot, I Am a Soul and Human with a sane mind and a huge heart. And i dont mind being the only one to recognise that. Peace, Love, Freedom, respect non money centralised materialistic abundance and prosperity, health, joy, happiness and harmony are my main priorities and values i live by. Because all the rest doesn't really matter 😉👍💚✌

A curtir bué este remixes hoje. Sei que por aí há mais alguém que também curte. Trabalho de DJ altamente.

Meu trabalho é diversão, e diversão é sinônimo de boa saúde, estou a curtir a viagem e espero ajudar os outros a se divertirem e desfrutarem tanto ou até mais do que eu. Não sou viciado em trabalho, muito menos um robô sistematizado de mente quadrada, sou uma alma e um ser humano com uma mente sã e um coração enorme. E não me importo de ser o único a reconhecer isso. Paz, Amor, Liberdade, respeito, abundância e prosperidade não materialistas e não monetariamente centralizada, saúde, alegria, felicidade e harmonia são minhas principais prioridades e valores pelos quais vivo. Porque todo o resto realmente não importa 😉👍💚✌

System of a Down - Toxicity (Rion Electro House Remix)

My job is having fun, and fun is synonym of good health, im enjoying he ride, and hope to help others have fun and enjoy as much or even more than me. Im not a workaholic, much less a square minded systematised robot, I Am a Soul and Human with a sane mind and a huge heart. And i dont mind being the only one to recognise that. Peace, Love, Freedom, respect non money centralised materialistic abundance and prosperity, health, joy, happiness and harmony are my main priorities and values i live by. Because all the rest doesn't really matter 😉👍💚✌

Meu trabalho é diversão, e diversão é sinônimo de boa saúde, estou a curtir a viagem e espero ajudar os outros a se divertirem e desfrutarem tanto ou até mais do que eu. Não sou viciado em trabalho, muito menos um robô sistematizado de mente quadrada, sou uma alma e um ser humano com uma mente sã e um coração enorme. E não me importo de ser o único a reconhecer isso. Paz, Amor, Liberdade, respeito, abundância e prosperidade não materialistas e não monetariamente centralizada, saúde, alegria, felicidade e harmonia são minhas principais prioridades e valores pelos quais vivo. Porque todo o resto realmente não importa 😉👍💚✌


Clean Up Your Room ft. Jordan Peterson ( JBPWAVE )

One more Jordan Peterson lectures about the Law of Attraction

Cleanup your room lesson.

#JordanPeterson #JBP #psychology #neurology #psychoanalised #lifelesson #experience #lessons #growth #evolution #ascension #domore #bemore

Mithology Mitología Archetypes


EN: From the dozes of different #archetypes of Mithology, the #Chimeras (Said to have been the beings that killed the gods of creation Tiamat and Absu. They killed Absu and Marduk defeated Tiamat. And now we live in their body. And the Satyr are the ones i like most. And the #Satyr is very funny, i cracked myself laughing. Check the link and read just the little little description, then just see the images. Most important, check the dates and the geographic locations of where and when those creatures were around. Mostly from Iran, and mostly #600BC, so 600 years before #christ. Ok, some might be #psychological archetypes, but one knows well to distinguish. But we can also connect dots between ancient history, the Anunnaki, Star Gates, #Adam and #Eve #Genetics, and why the #war in #Iran.
PT: Das dezenas de diferentes arquétipos da Mitología, as #Quimeras (que diz serem os seres que mataram os deuses da criação #Tiamat e #Absu. Eles mataram Absu e #Marduk derrotou Tiamat. E agora vivemos em seu corpo. E o #Sátiro são os que eu gosto E o Sátiro é muito engraçado, ri tanto até partir o côco. Verifica o link e lê apenas a pequena descrição, depois vê as imagens. Mais importante, verifica as datas e a localização geográfica de onde e quando essas criaturas existiram. Principalmente no Irão, e principalmente há #600AC, 600 anos antes de #Cristo. Ok, alguns podem ser #arquétipos #psicológicos, mas sabemos bem distinguir. Mas também podemos conectar pontos entre a história antiga, os #Anunnaki, Portais Estrelares, #Adã e #Eva#Genética. e porquê da #guerra no #Irão.


Jordan Peterson - What Would You Be Like? | Dragonball AMV | Lofi hip ho...

Essential lesson i been sharing for a long time, even before i ever listened to this man.

A new way and level of listening to music, in this case in the genre type of hip-hop, something i had quitted years ago. Its also rewarding and enriching to listen to Jordan B. Peterson aka JBP pieces of his very educational, entertaining, empowering, awakening, conscious, aware psychology, neurology, sociology, ancient history, religion, human behaviour, human development and with a hint of spirituality lectures. I do recommend listening or reading his works, and of course i also recommend the awesome work of the VJ/DJ Akira The Don on YouTube Channel ;) (Y)

Dragon Ball, my favourite cartoons of all times. How i miss seing it again.

Lição essencial que eu mesmo venho partilhando há muito tempo, mesmo muito antes de ouvir este homem.

Uma nova maneira e nível de ouvir música, neste caso no gênero de hip-hop, algo que eu havia abandonado anos atrás. Também é gratificante e enriquecedor ouvir Jordan B. Peterson, também conhecido como JBP, muito bom ouvir suas obras e palestras muito educativas, divertidas, fortalecedoras, despertadoras, conscientes, psicológicas, neurológicas, sociológicas, história antiga, religião, comportamento humano, desenvolvimento humano e com uma pitada sobre espiritualidade. Eu recomendo ouvir ou ler suas obras, e, claro, também recomendo o trabalho incrível do VJ/DJ Akira The Don no canal do YouTube ;) (Y)

Dragon Ball, os meus desenhos animados favoritos de todos os tempos. Como tenho saudades de ver outra vez.

#autoconhecimento #autoeducação #espiritual #consciência #atenção #CarlJung #JordanPeterson #psychology #neurologia #psicanalise #genética #bioquimica #melhorversão #glândulapineal #hiphop #spiritual #consciousness #awareness #CarlJung #JordanPeterson #psychology #neurology #psychoanalysis #genetics #biochemistry #higherself #selfknowledge #selfeducation #pinealgland #success

Jordan Peterson - More Than Who You Are | The Lion King AMV | Lofi hip h...

A new way and level of listening to music, in this case in the genre type of hip-hop, something i had quitted years ago. Its also rewarding and enriching to listen to Jordan B. Peterson aka JBP pieces of his very educational, entertaining, empowering, awakening, conscious, aware psychology, neurology, sociology, ancient history, religion, human behaviour, human development and with a hint of spirituality lectures. I do recommend listening or reading his works, and of course i also recommend the awesome work of the VJ/DJ Akira The Don on YouTube Channel ;) (Y)

Uma nova maneira e nível de ouvir música, neste caso no gênero de hip-hop, algo que eu havia abandonado anos atrás. Também é gratificante e enriquecedor ouvir Jordan B. Peterson, também conhecido como JBP, muito bom ouvir suas obras e palestras muito educativas, divertidas, fortalecedoras, despertadoras, conscientes, psicológicas, neurológicas, sociológicas, história antiga, religião, comportamento humano, desenvolvimento humano e com uma pitada sobre espiritualidade. Eu recomendo ouvir ou ler suas obras, e, claro, também recomendo o trabalho incrível do VJ/DJ Akira The Don no canal do YouTube ;) (Y)

#autoconhecimento #autoeducação #espiritual #consciência #atenção #CarlJung #JordanPeterson #psychology #neurologia #psicanalise #genética #bioquimica #melhorversão #glândulapineal #hiphop #spiritual #consciousness #awareness #CarlJung #JordanPeterson #psychology #neurology #psychoanalysis #genetics #biochemistry #higherself #selfknowledge #selfeducation #pinealgland #success