English further down.
PT: Cristal Quartzo Ametista. Para o Chacra do Terceiro Olho entre as sobrancelhas ou no meio da testa. Ligado à glândula Pineal, o berço da alma. Percepção, visão mais além, consciente, atento, detetor de falsidade e mentiras, cristal curador.
Quando o Ajna aka Terceiro Olho está demasiado ativado, a percepção das coisas pode ser demasiada ou exagerada. Quando fraco, a percepçaõ das coisas é debilitada. Pode ser devido a demasiada toxicidade, incluindo nutrição, álcool, drogas, cigarros, medicamentos químicos. No entanto, o cristal Ametista é para equilibrar o Terceiro Olho, mas não ajuda muito na eliminação da toxicidade. Para saber mais e obter os cristais para potencialização, ou os com poder atenuante, volte á página principal no painel direito. Link direto estará disponível aqui o mais rápido possível.
Yantras e Mandalas a serem publicados o mais rápido possível.
Mais info sobre este mineral neste website: http://br.innatia.com/c-gemoterapia-pt/a-ametista-a-pedra-da-meditacao-7896.html
EN: This crystal is associated with the Third Eye chakra on the brown between the eyebrows on the forehead. The color associated with this chakra is blue indigo. Thats why the Purple Amethyst can also be used on the Crown Chakra on the top of the head. The Third Eye is connected to the Pineal Gland, the bed of the soul. Perception, further vision, sight, consciousness, awareness. Lies and falseness detector, healing crystal. Its said that the Pineal Gland is actually a true Eye that we had on the forehead thousands of years ago, but it got retracted due to all the limitations and toxicity put upon humans on this lower dimension.
When the Ajna aka Third Eye is over active, a person can see too much or have an exaggerated perception of things. When is under active, the perception of things is debilitated. It can be due to too much toxicity, including nutrition, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, chemicals medication. However the Amethyst crystal is to balance the Third Eye, but does not help much in clearing toxicity. However the Amethyst crystal is to balance the Third Eye. To learn more and get the crystals for potentialization, or those with calming powers, return to the main page on the right panel. Direct Link will be available here as soon as possible.
Yantras and Mandalas to be published as soon as possible.
More info about this mineral on this link: http://www.chakras.info/third-eye-chakra-stones/
PT: Cristal Quartzo Ametista. Para o Chacra do Terceiro Olho entre as sobrancelhas ou no meio da testa. Ligado à glândula Pineal, o berço da alma. Percepção, visão mais além, consciente, atento, detetor de falsidade e mentiras, cristal curador.
Quando o Ajna aka Terceiro Olho está demasiado ativado, a percepção das coisas pode ser demasiada ou exagerada. Quando fraco, a percepçaõ das coisas é debilitada. Pode ser devido a demasiada toxicidade, incluindo nutrição, álcool, drogas, cigarros, medicamentos químicos. No entanto, o cristal Ametista é para equilibrar o Terceiro Olho, mas não ajuda muito na eliminação da toxicidade. Para saber mais e obter os cristais para potencialização, ou os com poder atenuante, volte á página principal no painel direito. Link direto estará disponível aqui o mais rápido possível.
Yantras e Mandalas a serem publicados o mais rápido possível.
Mais info sobre este mineral neste website: http://br.innatia.com/c-gemoterapia-pt/a-ametista-a-pedra-da-meditacao-7896.html
EN: This crystal is associated with the Third Eye chakra on the brown between the eyebrows on the forehead. The color associated with this chakra is blue indigo. Thats why the Purple Amethyst can also be used on the Crown Chakra on the top of the head. The Third Eye is connected to the Pineal Gland, the bed of the soul. Perception, further vision, sight, consciousness, awareness. Lies and falseness detector, healing crystal. Its said that the Pineal Gland is actually a true Eye that we had on the forehead thousands of years ago, but it got retracted due to all the limitations and toxicity put upon humans on this lower dimension.
When the Ajna aka Third Eye is over active, a person can see too much or have an exaggerated perception of things. When is under active, the perception of things is debilitated. It can be due to too much toxicity, including nutrition, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, chemicals medication. However the Amethyst crystal is to balance the Third Eye, but does not help much in clearing toxicity. However the Amethyst crystal is to balance the Third Eye. To learn more and get the crystals for potentialization, or those with calming powers, return to the main page on the right panel. Direct Link will be available here as soon as possible.
Yantras and Mandalas to be published as soon as possible.
More info about this mineral on this link: http://www.chakras.info/third-eye-chakra-stones/
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