
Nomad Life and Fitness

Recently i decided to try to do a Nomad life. So i left england by car, travelled 2.500 kms, and assembled a tent 3km from Setubal Town Centre, South of Portugal, in the woody mountains. So i can be more connected with nature. This is a spiritual, psychological and health experience.

There shouldnt be any excuses to not to do an active life and exercise, apart from a type of limitation due to a disease or a physical dificience, which an active life, exercise and a healthier, more conscious and wiser type of nutrition might help heal.

#Nomad #Fitness #WellnessHolisticCoach #HealthExperience #LivingintheNature #LivingintheWoods #LivingintheMountains #SpirituallyPsychologicallyandPhysicallyWell #Freedom #OutoftheMatrix #OutoftheGrid #SleepinginaTent #PersonalTrainer #Bodybuilding #HealthandFitness


Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB



Donations Link


I been helping some people with their health issues for some years. I usually dont charge for many services. If i charge is in order to become better in what im doing, grow, evolve and be able to help more and better, using better and more adveanced gear.

In case you appreciate my help and wish to make a donation, the link is bellow.

Humbly thank you


PayPal Donations: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


Short House Music Set - Meaningful Playing

Training and having fun.

Only 1 track is Copyrighted.

Thank you to the artists that created the tracks i use here.

#DJ #Set #DJSet #DJaying #HouseMusic #DJDecks #SeratoDJPro #Numark #MixtrackPro3 


Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/DJXtrela/house-music-brazilian-beats-dj-xtrela_1_191219/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78 

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978 

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A? 

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78 

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98 

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB 



How to Heal Pain Inflammation Naturally

In this video i just talk a little about what i usually do to prevent and heal pain and inflammation in a naturally holistic way through nutrition. All that i mention come from researches and self tests i made.

Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

Feel Health DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/feelhealth1978

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?

Feel Entertainer DTube Channel: https://d.tube/#!/c/djxtrela78

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?

VersatileTec DTube Channel: https://d.tube/c/versatiletec78

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB
