
How to Heal Yourself With Thoughts

This is a fascinating well elaborated presentation. Much info and knowledge to assimilate here.

Sharing these straight from my YouTube Channel, there will b more. Will start adding Portuguese voice & subtitles on te English language ones, and English voice & subtitles on the Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish ones.

I love to ear Dr. John Bergman lectures regarding health and healing. He is one more that gives the self healing power back to people. And he has a good sense of humour.

We strive to educate people on natural solutions to health.

How to Heal Yourself With Thoughts

Your prejudices will affect the outcome of your patients results. Change Toxic thoughts.

Video Link On my Channel: https://youtu.be/OY2G2v0aQoA


#selfhealing #healing #healer #health #fitness #personaltrainer #holistic #nutrition #vegan #knowledge #Genetics #Epigenetics #Biochemistry #Psychology #QuantumPhysics #Mitochondria #DrJohnBergman #betterversion #betterself #higherself #thoughts #healingthoughts

Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Egypt

Sharing these straight from my YouTube Channel, there will b more. Will start adding Portuguese voice & subtitles on te English language ones, and English voice & subtitles on the Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish ones.

Now... if you love knowledge, ancient history, want to know your true origins. You might even want to learn something new, or need some unblocking or healing. Get genetically boosted, more connected to The Universe, you might feel something like a higher meaning and purpose is starting. Then this is for you. You know i would never share lies or non valuable content. So assimilate this and see how it goes, what happens next. Because knowledge is power. It might not work at the first time, then watch or listen to it again.

A movie was made with many revelations related to what is spoken and shown on this video. "Gods of Egypt" - Year: 2016

More interesting videos, just like movies or health related in my Feel Health Blog and YouTube Channel.

#knowledge #ancienthistory #Anunnaki #aliens #gmo #genetics #quantum #quantumfield #quantumphysics #alchemy #pantheon of #gods #Thoth #Ptah #Enki #Ninhursag #Ninmah #summer #ancientastronautarchive #awaken #adam #lilith #eve #egypt #matrix #system #prison #chakra #kundalini #spirituality 

Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Egypt

Now... if you love knowledge, ancient history, want to know your true origins. You might even want to learn something new, or need some unblocking or healing. Get genetically boosted, more connected to The Universe, you might feel something like a higher meaning and purpose is starting. Then this is for you. You know i would never share lies or non valuable content. So assimilate this and see how it goes, what happens next. Because knowledge is power. It might not work at the first time, then watch or listen to it again.
A movie was made with many revelations related to what is spoken and shown on this video.
More interesting videos, just like movies or health related in my Feel Health Blog and YouTube Channel.

Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Egypt

Now... if you love knowledge, ancient history, want to know your true origins. You might even want to learn something new, or need some unblocking or healing. Get genetically boosted, more connected to The Universe, you might feel something like a higher meaning and purpose is starting. Then this is for you. You know i would never share lies or non valuable content. So assimilate this and see how it goes, what happens next. Because knowledge is power. It might not work at the first time, then watch or listen to it again.
A movie was made with many revelations related to what is spoken and shown on this video.
More interesting videos, just like movies or health related in my Feel Health Blog and YouTube Channel.


As idéias de Raul Seixas e a Transformação Espiritual

Para quem gosta de conhecimento. E lembremos sempre que conhecimento é poder.

#ProfessorLaercio #Palestras #Espiritualidade #Consciencia #Despertar #Almas #CurasNaturais #Chakras #Yoga #TaiChi #RetiroEspiritual #RaulSeixas #Equilibrio #YinYang #VeganoFlexivel #Humildade #Simplicidade #Buda #Gautama #hippie #liberdade #respeito #transcendental #nutricaovegana #detox #ligacao #EUSOUDEUS #Amor #AmorETudo #AnjosnaTerra

Best of Nacho Libre

Ai that i pee myself of laughing so much... Love Jack Black, especially in this movie Nacho Libre hahahahahaha 
Ai que me mijo de tanto rir... adoro Jack Black, especialmente neste filme Nacho Libre hahahahahahaha