
Basic Education Values and Recycling Policies

Português mais abaixo.

EN: On this video i speak about the lack of proper education regarding recycling actions, and the negative impact in all ways, areas, aspects, levels and senses, affecting negatively the Environment, Ecosystem, Atmosphere, Humans, Animals, Plants and Water. Its up to us, share a proper and right type of education, and self educate throughout life to just be more responsible and careful, conscious and aware regarding all our actions, and in this theme, regarding recycling actions and policies.

We can all heal Mother Earth and everyone and everything else with our actions, because the consequences should always be positive and healthy.


PT: Neste vídeo, falo sobre a falta de educação adequada sobre as ações de reciclagem e o impacto negativo em todos os aspectos, áreas, aspectos, níveis e sentidos, afetando negativamente o meio ambiente, o ecossistema, a atmosfera, os seres humanos, os animais, as plantas e a água. Cabe a nós, compartilhar um tipo de educação adequado e correto, e auto-educar ao longo da vida para sermos mais responsáveis e cuidadosos, conscientes e conscientes de todas as nossas ações e, neste tema, das ações e políticas de reciclagem.

Todos nós podemos curar a Mãe Terra e todos e tudo mais com nossas ações, porque as consequências devem sempre ser positivas e saudáveis.


#Recycling #Ecosystem #Preservation #education #selfeducation #health #nopollution #notoxicity #awaken #consciousness #awareness #MotherEarth #Planet #Human #Animals #Plants #vegan #flexyvegan #futuregenerations #environment #reciclando #preservação #educação #autoesducação #autodidáta #saúde #sempoluição #semtoxicidade #desperto #consciência

Vegan Bodybuilding Smoothie 23112019

Hi. This is one more of my super powerful nutrient rich smoothie. I made it on the same day as the week full body workout video.

I like to create, improve, enhance, test and try. And most of the times i surprise myself. Then i write it down. This one is a booster, detoxifying and a healer.

Keep tuned for more recipes, and more spiritual psychological physical nutrition health based content.


#Bodybuilding #Nutrition #Smoothie #health #healthandfitness #aesthetics #boostingsmoothie #healingsmoothie #personaltrainer #nutrição #batido #saúde #fitness #estética #batidopoderoso #fisiculturismo #vegan #vegano #flexyvegan #flexivegano #fruitsmoothie #proteinsmoothie

DJ Xtrela Best House Music Mix 2019

Hi. Hope you like this music set i recorded. Hope you like it. Enjoy and have fun ✌

#music #dj #djaying #house #housemusic #numark #oldschool #dance #dancemusic #party #havefun #enjoy

Full Body Workout short version Feel Health

Hi, I recorded these videos last year, November. Its uploaded on YouYube. It's just a week-long set of exercises for a wide range of muscles in the body. This helps me not to spend so much time on exercises, so it is good for saving time and is effective. Especially for those who have more busy lives and want to increase or maintain their fitness level. I hope you like it ✌💚🙌

PT: Oi, gravei estes vídeos ano passado, Novembro. Fiz o upload no YouYube. É apenas um set de uma semana de exercícios para uma vasta porção de musculos do corpo. Isto ajuda me a não levar tanto tempo nos exercícios, então é bom para economizar em tempo e é eficaz. Muito bom para, especialmente para quem tem vidas mais atarefadas e quer aumentar ou manter seu nível de fitness. Espero que gostes ✌💚🙌

Complete Version: https://youtu.be/_hNj2rkw06g

#fitness #bodybuilding #healthandfitness #health #personaltrainer #hardgainer #nutrition #homeworkouts #homeexercise #flexyvegan #vegan #conscious #fisiculturismo #saúde #nutrição #vegano #flexivegano #consciência #exercícioemcasa #instrutordefitness #coach #healer


snap-do you see the light (original)

Wonderful day for all of us and no fear. We are stronger than we ever believed we are. Just be on the mood of love, have fun and enjoy 😉👍💚✌

Dia maravilhoso pra todos e sem medos. Nós somos mais fortes que alguma vez acreditámos ser. Apenas vive no estado de espirito do Amor, diverte te e curte bué 😉👍💚✌

#Snap #oldschool #oldschoolmusic #disco #the90s #90s #ilovemusic #ilovetolove #ilovetobeloved #sharelove #ilovetosharelove #iamlove #soul #alma #souamor #amoamar #amoseramado #partilhaamor #amomusica #nofear #semmedos #havefun #enjoy #divertete #curte #anos90 #osanos90 #velhaguarda #vanguarda


Michael Jackson - 1 Hour of - DJ Storm

Today is my dear Michael Jackson aka MJ day. Thanks to Thea that is a wonderful intelligent simple honest woman, im listening to Him again, after a while on absence. This one is for you dear, especially at 49 minutes. Having fun and enjoying allot. Peace and Love 😉💚✌

Hoje é o dia do meu querido Michael Jackson, também conhecido como MJ. Graças á Thea, que é uma mulher maravilhosa inteligente, honesta e simples, estou ouvindo-o novamente, depois de um tempo ausente. Esta é para ti querida, especialmente a partir dos 49 minutos. Estou a divertir me e a curtir bué. Paz e amor 😉💚✌

#MichaelJackson #MJ #KingofPop #Music #PopMusic #AngelsonEarth #FreedomFighters #PeacefulWarriors #LoveBringers #MotherEsrth #Universe #Animals #Children #Spiritual #Conscious #Aware #ArtisticVein #WearetheLight #WeareOne


EN: I know its a very strong word, but im certain im not misusing it. The first woman is a "piiiiiiiiiiii". Its true. Not only there is some gold diggers coming to my life like that, womans wanting to controle me, to change me and engage in their unhealthy lifestyles, and im not even a guy with allot of money, yet :D

The second woman was honest there, but might be because her boyfriend was present. Either he really trust her, or was giving her away. And i remember when i used to go clubbing on my younger days, that there was mens saying for me to take their girlfriends, cause the were on to me. I never did it because i feel uncomfortable with it, its not right. But she had to mention her boyfriend has a Maserati. How come womans give so much value to a car, so materialistic. Not generalising of course.

I only like single womans that know what they want, and if they want me, will work together with me for us to be together, including in the case we are on different countries. Because im like this, when i fall in love, and i fall in love easy, its my heart its too soft, i know what i want, and i help on things for the case one must travel to meet. But i will never go to countries like philippines not iraq, where in one there is an insane president that kills people just because they consume drugs, and on the other womans are subjugated, and people burned alive if suspected that have coronavirus. Nor i will go to any other country where the level of poverty and education is too high, and people always looking for an opportunity to reap one off.

Well, in the end, im very well with my simple, old, humble picasso.

PT: Eu sei que é uma palavra muito forte, mas tenho certeza de que não estou abusando dela. A primeira mulher é uma "piiiiiiiiiiii". É verdade. Não são apenas algumas caça tesouros que aparecem na minha vida assim. Mulheres querer me controlar, querendo me fazer engrenar em seus estilos de vida pouco saudáveis, e nem sou um cara com muito dinheiro :D

A segunda mulher foi honesta ali, mas pode ser porque o namorado dela estava presente. Ou ele realmente confiava nela, ou a estava entregando. E eu lembro quando eu costumava ir ás discotecas nos meus dias mais jovens, que havia homens dizendo para eu levar as namoradas deles, porque elas estavam a fim de mim. Eu nunca fiz isso porque me sinto desconfortável com isso, não está certo. Mas ela tinha que mencionar que seu namorado tem um Maserati. Como é que as mulheres dão tanto valor a um carro, tão materialistas? Não generalizando é claro.

Eu só gosto de mulheres solteiras que sabem o que querem e, se me querem, trabalharemos juntos para estarmos juntas, inclusive no caso de estarmos em países diferentes. Porque sou assim, quando me apaixono, e eu me apaixono fácil, meu coração é muito mole, sei o que quero e ajudo nas coisas para o caso em que um de nós quere viajar para se encontrar. Mas nunca irei a países como as Filipinas, Iraque, onde em um há um presidente insano que mata pessoas apenas porque consomem drogas, e no outro as mulheres são subjugadas e as pessoas queimadas vivas se houver suspeita de coronavírus. Nem vou para sitios onde o nivel de pobreza e educação são tão altos, que as pessoas andam sempre á procura de oportunidades para dar a banhada a um gajo.

Bem, no final, estou muito bem com meu simples, velho e humilde picasso.


Thought provoking video by Jim Carrey | Alan Watts

One needs to have much DMT naturally pouring out of the pineal gland. Portals open on the Astral plane and the views there are divinely magnificent.
#JimCarrey #AlanWatts #psychology #neurology #perceptions #inceptions #deceptions #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #DMT #vegan #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj


5G Is A Weapon - The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology - The Hidden T...

Get to know more about 5G and the evil dark agenda of the royalties and elites. all connected with the actual rulers of this planet the archons.

#coronavirus #5G #geoengineering #GMO #evilagenda #nofear #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #stoptoxicity #vegan #NONGMO #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj

Fall of the Cabal Parts 1 to 10

Get to know more about the paedophile rings, children trafficking, blood rituals, cannibalism, and the evil dark agenda of the royalties and elites.

In the description are the source links for all 1 to 10 original episodes. Download them and share them as much as you can. We are truthers. The insanity, abuse, disrespect, genocides and wars must end.

#coronavirus #5G #geoengineering #GMO #evilagenda #nofear #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #stoptoxicity #vegan #NONGMO #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj

THE CORONAVIRUS | This Will Leave You Speechless! �� OMG!!! | (they won't...

#coronavirus #5G #geoengineering #GMO #evilagenda #nofear #spirituality #awaken #conscious #aware #pinealgland #stoptoxicity #vegan #NONGMO #openyoureyes #experience #learn #grow #evolve #ascend #holistic #wellness #coach #healer #alchemist #ayurveda #DNA #personaltrainer #electronicstechnician #dj

Solfeggio scale meditation 174 hz, 285 hz, 396 hz, 417 hz, 528 hz, 639 h...

Healing frequencies.
#healing #frequencies #healingfrequencies #ayurveda #holistic #wellness #coach #personaltrainer #healer

The Five Stages Of The Awakening

Im on stage 4