
Bruce Lee Workout and Insane Training

Huuummm, quite similar workout routine as mine on off work days. It is time consuming, but the benefits are awesome.

The #meditation, the #manifestation, the absorption of #Chi, the #flow, #defence and #strike. Moving like a feline, an snake and a monkey ate the same time. Made me remember the good old times in the woods by myself training with the trees, free as a hawk. I just wanna get back to my forests so i can practice my Thai Chi and my Jeet Kune Do, and be left in my peace. I was always a fan of Bruce Lee 😊

Hollywood drained him so much and killed him in the end. He was helping so many awaken and know how to fight for defence. Martial arts were left to humans by beings not from Earth thousands of years ago. This is a program already on our genetic code, written by the Soul. Unfortunately we are blocked since birth with vaccines, and all the educational and governmental virotic wrong evil insane system. Even the languages we have them inside of us already. Thats why i speak 4. They can delay, but they will never stop us. Bruce Lee Soul had the mission to do what he did. And he did it well leaving a good legacy.

#BruceLee #MartialArts #HealthandFitness #Bodybuilding #Health #Nutrition #PersonalTrainer #WorkoutRoutine #Workout #Exercise #Fitness

Train with Van Damme - Lesson 1 [1/5]

Yeap, im his fan. Who knew that the famous drunk dancer of kickboxer movie would be one day become a youtuber hehehe. I enjoyed very much seing that he is doing fine with his health and maintaining his awesome physic. He used to be a ballet dancer when he was younger. He is a simple humble modest men and also an animal lover, and a freedom fighter. Hope someone also likes him. Now im going to find Bruce Lee 😊

He once went on a press conference and unmasked the elites.

#VanDamme #TrainwithVanDamme #MartialArts #HealthandFitness #Bodybuilding #Health #Nutrition

Dancing scene on kickboxer movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE8XKeN0zk4

Bruce Lee's Perfect Body & Mind��Training & Demostrations ��#1

The #meditation, the #manifestation, the absorption of #Chi, the #flow, #defence and #strike. Moving like a feline, an snake and a monkey ate the same time. Made me remember the good old times in the woods by myself training with the trees, free as a hawk. I just wanna get back to my forests so i can practice my Thai Chi and my Jeet Kune Do, and be left in my peace. I was always a fan of Bruce Lee 😊

Hollywood drained him so much and killed him in the end. He was helping so many awaken and know how to fight for defence. Martial arts were left to humans by beings not from Earth thousands of years ago. This is a program already on our genetic code, written by the Soul. Unfortunately we are blocked since birth with vaccines, and all the educational and governmental virotic wrong evil insane system. Even the languages we have them inside of us already. Thats why i speak 4. They can delay, but they will never stop us. Bruce Lee Soul had the mission to do what he did. And he did it well leaving a good legacy.

#BruceLee #MartialArts #HealthandFitness #Bodybuilding #Health #Nutrition #PersonalTrainer


Lindsey Stirling - Stars Align [Live]

Get to know your power. We are hight vibrational beings with bodies going at frequencies from low to high. We are blessed beings, and not limited. It surprises me how so many people has such a limitated music taste. But i understand each is what and how they are.

This is natural energy coming from THE SOURCE. If you read about her story, you will know. She battled allot to be allowed to play in front of crowds. Many blocked her, didnt believe in her, said that she could never do playing the violin and dance, many years ago. And now look at her. She is an angel, dont you recognise? Angels are blocked on this planet. But she made it. The violin, cords are associated vobes and frequencies for the heart chakra, blend it with other instruments or sounds and we have a whole chakra alignment. I found her not long time ago, when i was preparing a healing project. Hope you like this one 😉💚✌



Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony

Now can someone tell me what is difficult to understand here? Why do they always chose satanic rituals??? Still sleeping?

We need to lose fears, unite and go outside destroy them and the 5G towers, otherwise we are all screwed.

Agora alguém me pode dizer o que é dificil de entender aqui? E porque será que escolhem rituais satanicos??? Ainda dormes?

Precisamos perder todos os medos, unir mos nos e ir lá fora destruí los e ás antenas 5G, ou senatão estamos todos lixados.

The opening ceremony of Olympic games in London, 2012 was Predictive pro...

Now can someone tell me what is difficult to understand here? It looks to me information that it would be a future virus pandemic. And this was in 2012. These guys guess the future, wow Why do they always chose satanic rituals??? Still sleeping?

We need to lose fears, unite and go outside destroy them and the 5G towers, otherwise we are all screwed.

Agora alguém me pode dizer o que é dificil de entender aqui? A mim parece me que foi a informação de que iria haver uma pandemia de virus no futuro. E isto foi em 2012. Estes gajos adivinham o futuro, wow. E porque será que escolhem rituais satanicos??? Ainda dormes?

Precisamos perder todos os medos, unir mos nos e ir lá fora destruí los e ás antenas 5G, ou senatão estamos todos lixados.


Food as Medicine Amino Acids to Heal Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder...

In this video i talk about the use of Food as Medicine Amino Acids to Heal Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder Diabetes Blood Pressure.

Magnesium is the main mineral to heal many issues. Go to the Sun, go to the Sea, go to the Forest, meditate, do exercise, keep a active healthy lifestyle, practice good deeds, share Love. Plant good seeds to harvest good fruits. Use sound, colours, aromas, ayurveda/herbalism. This is all part of the natural holistic healing therapies. Knowledge is power.

If a viewer has any issues with the video, if its showing anything that he or she might find compromising of his or her own privacy, then please peak to me before any strikes.

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?disable

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?view_as=subscriber

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


Wheels of Energy - House Music by DJ Xtrela


This is a simple House Music sample i created with a music creation software. I was not playing with music making since 2004. The time i created 3 Tech House tracks with fruity loops. But as it was my first computer, a old Dell Latitude 600 laptop, and i used it so much that it crashed the hard drive.

Now i back in to music making and DJaying. And made this music thinking about our inner energies, more specifically what many refer as The Chakras. Since i been listening to it, i feel more energetic, my brain works better, and my sleep improved. Hope it has a similar or even better effect on all listeners.

Everyone can use this music for free for any non comercial use purposes. Including you can download it. Even though its a simple one. Please just add this when using it "Wheels of Energy - House Music by DJ Xtrela: https://youtu.be/0TZ-z-NBixk

I will come up with better work.


Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?disable

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

Feel Health Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGEVYTM3aefVmi7nKHGORQ

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?view_as=subscriber

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Much grateful: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


#MusicComposing #DJaying #WheelsofEnergy #DJXtrela #HouseMusic #Odesi #7Chakras #Chakras #SpiritualMusic #SpiritualHouseMusic #HealingMusic #UpliftingMusic #SoulHealer #SoulMusic


Vegan Meal Part One 777

Just a simple vegan meal im preparing. And i mention the ingredients and some of their properties and benefits. When cooking and eating i always have in mind the nutrients, healing properties, benefits and energy. Thats how i healed myself from 14 years of meds and from 25 years of smocking, which i quitted almost 5 years ago. Keep healthy, keep happy, enjoy life. 


Feel Health Blog: https://feelhealth78.blogspot.com/

@Feel_Health78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel_health78/

Feel Entertainer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wd4bpTmw2Ub1wbQSFzNlQ?disable

@FeelEntertainer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelentertainer/

VersatileTec Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4iHVgI6JT3r5bhi9fAK-4A?view_as=subscriber

@VersatileTec78 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/versatiletec78/

Fil Da Silva Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fil.dasilva.98.

Want to help me improve and make more, then donate your Love. Grateful i am: https://paypal.me/feelhealth78?locale.x=en_GB


#holistic #naturopathy #healing #DOMS #delayedonsetmusclesoreness #nutrients #nutrition #healtylifestyle #wellness #aminoacids #vitamins #proteins #enzymes #personaltrainer #coronavirus #woke #spirituality #holístico #naturopatia #cura #nutrientes #nutrição #estilodevidasaudável #bemestar #aminoacidos #vitaminas #proteinas #enzimas #desperto #espiritualidade


How to replace assemble Citroen Xsara Picasso 2002 rear bumper

I created VersatileTec in 2007/2008. In 2010 it had infrastructure installations near the city of Porto, Portugal. This was more than 3 years before i acquired my electronics technician qualifications.

Naturally i try to be as self sufficient as possible, in most of the cases i repair my own things, and if requested i repair the things of others. This time i needed to do this, and i did not spent money paying someone else to do what i can do myself, and i saved, especially because the rear bumper was on sale for £38.00 including shipping expenses.

Hope this video can help, encourage, motivate and inspire others. Any questions or requests, drop it on the comments or via private messages in any of the available message formats.

Thank you for watching.

#Citroen #Picasso #Bumper #Xsara #CitroenXsaraPicasso #Repairs #Handyman #electronics #electrician #electricity #electronicstechnician #ITTechnician #CitroenXsaraPicassoRearBumper #AutoMechanics #parachoques #reparações #eletrónicas #técnicodeeletrónica #técnicodeti #mecânicaauto #eletricista #eletricidade


Raising Consciousness and Awareness Regarding Nutritional Education

Raising Consciousness and Awareness Regarding Nutritional Education
We reflect and emanate what we eat. Choose healthy and wisely.

Use Code FILIPE15 for more 15% Discount on all purchases on this link: https://timehealth.co.uk/

#Nutrition #Food #Health #WellnessCoach #HolisticCoach #HealthyLifestyle #PersonalTrainer #CleanFood #Vegan #Vegetarian #Nutrients #HealingFood #SportsNutrition #DetoxNutrition

Going to try a Nomad Lifestyle

This video includes spiritual and psychological content that might go against many beliefs, points of view, and it might superficially defy the mind. I use only basic types of thinking, and presenting points of view based on the most high righteous universal values and on some events of my life experiences. Being conscious of the free will, and that we all are sovereign beings and responsible of the consequences of our acts.

#Nomad #Adventure #Traveller #Nomad #Adventure #Solo #SoloRider #LoneRider #Survivor #Spiritual #Awaken #Woke #Consciousness #Awareness #NoFear


A Mentira Coronavirus e 5G

Neste vídeo, estou tentando ajudar na conscientização e atênção á situação atual causada pelo que eu vejo como a mentira do Coronavírus e 5G.

Entretanto devemos estar cientes dos aspetos positivos disto tudo.

Mantenha os olhos abertos, mantenha-se saudável, mantenha-se feliz.

#Coronavirus #5G #GeoEngenharia #agenda21 #reduçãodapopulaçãomundial #elites #realezas #cabal #mentira #CEM #Radiação #camposelétricosemagnéticos

Coronavirus and 5G Hoax EN

On this video im trying to help on raising consciousness and awareness regarding the actual situation caused by what i see as the Coronavirus and 5G hoax.

Meanwhile we should all be conscious and aware of all the positive aspects of all this.

Keep the eyes open, keep healthy, keep happy.

#Coronavirus #5G #GeoEngineering #agenda21 #worldpopulationreduction #elites #royalties #cabal #hoax #EMF #Radiation